Search Results | hemisphere of the earth

Your search for "hemisphere of the earth" returned 208 results

Is it the Northern or Southern Hemisphere?

Science divides Earth into nice neat hemispheres, including the Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern Hemispheres. Can you match the following facts to the Northern or Southern Hemispheres?

How Much Do You Know About Geography of the Western Hemisphere?

The Western Hemisphere is full of staggering highs and lows, with some of the highest mountains and largest rivers. See if you can tell the New World from the Old World with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

Earth: A Primer on the Third Rock From the Sun

Earth is an enormous and extremely complex planet. Learn about the inner workings of the planet Earth and find out what forces are constantly at work on Earth.

Why Does Earth Spin?

Every 24 hours, Earth makes a full rotation on its axis. But why does Earth spin in the first place?

Does the rotation of the Earth affect toilets and baseball games?

The world's intelligentsia has managed to convince us that the Earth is round and makes a full rotation once every 24 hours. Why can't they agree on the effects of that rotation on toilets and ball games?

When Is the Earth Going to End?

The end of Earth will likely come about because of the sun in our solar system. This much you might already know, but we actually have an approximate date.

What If Earth's Magnetic Field Flipped?

Earth's magnetic field has flipped many times before, and scientists say it will flip again (though probably not in our lifetime). While it might not be catastrophic, a major change in the magnetic field would present a special set of problems.

Is Earth the Only Planet With Tectonic Plates?

Some scientists think plate tectonics could be a prerequisite for life. So do they exist on other planets outside of Earth? HowStuffWorks finds out.

How Much Do You Know About the Planet Earth?

Earth is home to all sorts of plant and animal species, habitats, and climates. Put your knowledge of planet Earth to the test with this quiz!

Antipodes Map Locates the Opposite of Any Spot on Earth

Every spot on the earth has its exact opposite place on the map. HowStuffWorks digs into the new antipode map.

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